Saturday, 29 October 2022

2023 is going to be an easy year 😇

My plans for 2023 are already mostly made. Its going to be a year of work for me with the joiner certificate exams and later in the year starting 5th Year. 
It will all start in January where I study to sit my mocks in February. 
Then i'll catch a break for a week in February.
March to April of study and concentration. Then the two week Easter holidays. Then its April through May  all the way to June 3rd. Then we're off to do our joiner cert all June. What the tests are finished I'll probably be going abroad for my summer hols maybe to Paris or Spain my family is deciding. Then I'll spend a week in my friends and hang out and factime all my friends. I'll also be spending a lot of time outside and in August ill be preparing for 5th Year. 
Then from September to October ill have the Fall term at school. All new class, new lessons, new books, fresh start. Your also allowed to leave the school on breaks. Then ill have the mid term. Then the November to December term (Winter term) and then its 2024 😲

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