Friday, 9 October 2020

Study 'n' chill

Hey y'all. I have four tests coming up next week and a project that I haven't even started yet due the week after that. I'm busy, what can I say?. However I just wanted to give a little update about how my life's been going. I won't fly into personal information but we will still have a communicative ramble together. 

Not many people actually grasp an understanding of this concept, but my dream is to get accepted into harvard university. Unfortunately you require top grades for that privileged educating network. So I suppose I'll work hard. Earn it. And with FOUR TESTS AND A PROJECT to do, it's not going to be a walk in the park.

Negative academical, I have caught up with an old friend. I will be truthful, but I totally forgot about her!!. I didn't even recall her!. But you know what they say geniuses forget even the simplest things frequently!. 

Hope are you mini Kay's keeping??. Good I hope. Talk to you later.


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